Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tolorence and Discrimination

This topic sometimes is hard to talk about, of course I disagree with discrimination but we should all have tolerance to a certain degree. For example on October 12th, 2010 I was with two of my friends on a bike path and there is a little forest near by which we were in, these people who came by they were a large group of kids about our age came by and everything was fine except until later I guess we got a little to close to their "territory" then two of the girls came over to us and were swearing and asked us "what were we doing" (probably not the smartest thing) but we ran away back to where we were in the first place they came after us and called us "white trash" even though they were both clearly white and continued to swear at us they thought we were spying on them. When they walked away me and the other to people made a remark that we didn't believe what they said they were going to do.  Then they decided to come back and said some really nasty things to us we were all infuriated but we had to tolerate the things they said to us without getting ourselves into trouble even though we were being called names and getting some not so nice things said to us.

I don't think it's okay to discriminate anyone one for any reason but I think being able to tolerate things people say or do is important.

1 comment:

Ms. Crosbie said...

You're right. Tolerance is definitely a quality that all people should have but many people don't have. These girls you dealt with sound like very unpleasant bullies, and it was tolerant of you to put up with their drama.